Make sure you have the most up to date Requiem Skyproc patcher as per the link in the stickied comment on the nexus which helps avoid a skyproc bug which recently came to light about how well it works with larger files. If the patcher fails it will generally give you an error, write down this error and tell us what it is, we can't help unless we have all the info. I deleted the entire skyrim folder and im reinstalling it again i didnt see your comments until now but ill try again Once you have installed your game, set up a load order and then run the patcher.

I'm sorry but Im getting very sick of endlessly correcting your incorrect information when it comes to troubleshooting so I would suggest that you brush up on proper modding practice before continuing to hand out advice. And using mods WITHOUT patches is incredibly dangerous to your save game and the games stability not to mention the functioning of those mods Skyproc patchers for big mods require your full load order to be set up so that they have all the required info, you never run the patcher and then add in the rest of your applicable mods. You NEVER run your skyproc patcher for mods before you set up your entire load order. This is completely and UTTERLY incorrect. I use not a single one of them, and Requiem works just fine. Many of those mods have patches for Requiem on Nexus. When you do, live without that mod/patch. You will come across the problem mod at some point. After every patch you run Skyproc Patcher. Darkknight4321234 eredeti hozzászólása:You needed to run SkyProc Patcher BEFORE you downloaded those other mods.