Much to Gage's surprise, Connor listened to and executed Gage's idea. Eventually, he was approached by his the gang's leader, Connor "The Harvester," a name Gage thought was laughable.

Being young and naïve, he attempted to suggest different ways the gang could be improved and streamlined.

The first gang Gage joined was a decent size and had a lot of strength, but wasn't using it wisely. With this thought, Gage left the mercenary life behind. At age 16, after the raid of a settlement he had been residing and working in, Gage decided that he would no longer fear or flee from raiders and instead decided to become one. Later, he turned to caravan and mercenary work and continued to observe individuals giving in to raiders. The next few years, Gage survived by taking odd jobs, doing what he could to earn caps. At the age of 12, he ran away from home during a raid to avoid following in his parents' footsteps. Porter Gage grew up in a small farming settlement with his parents, watching them give in to raider demands without a fight.