When diskpart shows pendrive no media 0 bytes, it could be repaired by diskpart with the command line 'chkdsk /f/r i:' when i is the damaged flash drive that you need to replace this drive letter with the actual drive letter that your pen drive shows in your computer. Pendrive no media disk management solution: 8 free ways to repair damaged usb drive Pen Drive Shows No Media Diskpart Logical damages - mostly it could be restored by disk repair utilities Physical damages - no chance of recovery by software utilities When pendrive not showing up in disk management, there are chances that it might be damaged with or without chance of recovery depending on how it was damaged. My pen drive is not showing up Pen Drive Shows No Media in Disk Management

This will work ONLy for that particular drive. You can Right click on the square drive description in th lower right-hand pane and select CHANGE DRIVE LETTER. You'll see your drive with size shown, but no drive letter. YOu can MANUALLY go into ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS>COMPUTER MANAGEMENT>DISK MANAGEMENT It's like previous folks have said, either a netwroked resource or other device is preventing the drive manager to asign a letter so that's why it doesn't appear.

I've fought this probem time and time again.